Outreach Services
Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Services focuses on the whole individual. With social workers on staff at both Neighborhood House and Johns Island, we provide basic needs to help people get back on their feet and get through challenging times and we work with them to set goals to get on the path towards self-sufficiency. Clients can access the Food Pantry and / or Clothing Closet once every two months and receive financial assistance once a year. We also partner with other non-profit agencies via referrals to make sure our neighbors get the assistance they need. Call 843-559-4109 for Johns Island and 843-805-8064 for downtown Neighborhood House:
Emergency Financial Assistance
Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
Johns Island Location: 1684 Brownswood Rd., Johns Island
Monday - Thursday 10am -1:30pm​
Lowcountry Food Bank partner information here.
Neighborhood House location: 77 America St., Charleston
Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 11am
Lowcountry Food Bank partner information here.
Free Lunch Program
Neighborhood House location from 12pm-1pm; no appointment needed, Monday - Friday​
Senior Food Box Distribution
emPOWER - Work Force Development Program (by appointment)
Client Highlight
Mrs. Bryant has accessed the food and clothing pantry, financial assistance, budgeting class, and The Workforce Development Program at Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach. On her most recent visit, she was excited to report to staff that she had gained full-time employment after working with OLMCO’s Workforce Development Program. Through this program, staff assisted Mrs Bryant in creating a cover letter, reference list, and resume. She was also provided with assistance searching and applying for employment. Prior to engaging in the Workforce Development Program Mrs Bryant struggled to pay her bills each month, reported low self-esteem, and could not afford to take her 22 year old daughter out to dinner or to a movie. She already reports feeling more confident and more sure of herself, and she is planning to take her daughter out to dinner after she gets her first paycheck.