Basic Needs
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
To receive programs and services (excluding wellness – and soup kitchen), individuals seeking assistance will meet with our social services team. Our team takes the time to sit down with you, understand your immediate needs, and assess how our various services can benefit you. If additional services beyond our offerings are required, we act as a liaison and facilitate warm transfers to community partners and other organizations, ensuring every individual gets the help they need.
Our Programs:
Food Pantry
Alleviates the burden of high cost grocery bills to help purchase other life necessities. This is a neighbor choice pantry, which means neighbors choose the food that fits within the household’s needs. We partner with Lowcountry Food Bank and follow their guidelines, and we rely heavily on donations from drives and community members. Individuals and families can access our food pantries once every two months.
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Clothing Closet
We provide access to clean and appropriate clothing and fulfill a fundamental need for those struggling to make ends meet. The clothing closet is fully donation based and can be accessed once every two months.
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Financial Assistance
Provides bill assistance for rent, mortgage or utilities once a year.
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Soup Kitchen
Neighborhood House operates a Soup Kitchen Monday – Friday from 12:00pm-1:00pm and is open to the public
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Home Repairs
In partnership with Sea Island Habitat for Humanity, we provide financial assistance to help community members complete critical home repair projects so that they have safe and efficient homes.
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Senior Food Box
Seniors have different nutritional needs and are more likely to have difficulty preparing or consuming food due to limited mobility and other age-related conditions. These barriers are amplified for low-income seniors trying to get by on a limited food budget. In partnership with the Lowcountry Food Bank, we distribute nutritious, shelf-stable Senior Food Boxes the second Tuesday a month.
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Find Out If You Qualify
In order to qualify, you must: Live in services areas and be 250% above the poverty level.