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Interested in ESL Classes?


Education is one thing that can never be taken away. At Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach, we believe education is a key ingredient to self-sufficiency and independence. In our efforts to offer the best programming possible, we collaborate with many other nonprofit organizations, agencies and businesses. Our GED programs are offered through a partnership with Charleston County Adult Education. We offer a variety of classes for all age groups, call 843-559-4109 or email for more information about the following programs*:


  • Financial Literacy Classes

  • Child Learning Center (ages 18 months to 4 years; offered to children of adults enrolled in our programs)

  • English as a Second Language Classes 

  • GED Classes (ages 22 and older)

  • Yes, I Can! After School Program 


95% of students in the Yes I Can! after school program increased or maintained their reading scores. 

All GED students made grade level gains and 4 students earned their GED.

Client Highlight

Ms. Hernandez has been taking ESL classes with OLMCOS since 2018 and she brings her daughter, Cava, to the Child Learning Center. Both have grown and developed with their English skills over the years. Ms. Hernandez started in the beginning level class and she has progressed to the intermediate level class. She created a cultural presentation about Mexico and presented her project in front of the other students, volunteers and teachers at the end of 2019 to showcase her English skills. In addition, last year she started her own cleaning company and created business cards. She continues to grow her client base and can now serve both English and Spanish clients because she has improved her English skills and confidence. 

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